The Cracker Family does Disney
All dressed up on Easter Sunday.
(I am craving a little warm beach time right now!)
(I am craving a little warm beach time right now!)
I'm not sure a dictionary was ever met with such enthusiasm before or since. Even after discovering the true identity of the gift, my love for it did not dim. To this day, I am teased mercilessly (& rightly) for my enthusiasm over things that I often do not fully understand.
So, you can imagine my own amusement as K started to exhibit this same tendency for excitement about gifts even when she had no idea what they were. Several times this Christmas, she declared "Look Momma, it's just what I always wanted!" And, when I asked her what it was, I would hear back, "I don't know! Isn't it beautiful?" Ahhh, the enthusiasm of youth! It is what makes Christmas so fun.
So far, all the gifts seem to pretty big hits with both of my hooligans. K's Christmas gifts were primarily in the 3 themes of horses, princesses or furniture for her doll house.
C received a lot of Legos (he especially loves the Star Wars ones), cars and Playmobil sets.
I know they must love their gifts because they have asked several times if instead of watching TV, could they please play with their new toys? Yes! I am very psyched about this new development. Hopefully, this excitement will not wane before school starts up again next week.
Now I am just hoping they can share those new toys with our houseguests who will be arriving in about an hour. What are the chances our week will remain this peaceful? Hmmm, I'll try to keep an optimistic (dare I say enthusiastic?) outlook.
I can't believe how big he's gotten. Sometimes it feels like just a moment ago he was still in diapers. Happy Birthday C! May the force be with you.
I'll take that $200.00 back, thank you very much!
Unfortunately, I can't say I have good news to report on the whole iKitchen front. I can already tell that it is not going to be resolved as easily as our issue with Reservation Rewards. I have found as many complaints about iKitchen as I have freckles on my left arm (in short, there are a lot!). It appears that iKitchen may indeed be in the business of defrauding people out of money by taking orders for goods that they have no plans on ever shipping. Buyer beware, for this site looks legitimate. I also discovered after doing more research that the guy who operates iKitchen also runs the following websites with similar results:
Not even in high school did I look this good in a pair of jeans...
Ummm...I think she's starting to lean a little to the side. Help someone??
Yes, I know I've shown this one before. I love it though, so here it is again!
Finally, a shot taken last year right after her birthday party. She got a pair of slippers that actually fit her feet! I can't find the shot where she is opening the gift, but trust me it was a good one. She was very excited. Linda suffers from a genetic disorder passed to her from our father. We call it Fat Feet Syndrome. Unfortunately, neither can buy shoes (or slippers) in places that the rest of us do. I think this was the first pair of slippers that she had owned in years. Thank goodness for Nordstroms & Zappos!
Happy Birthday Linny Linda - hope you are having a great day! Love you!
And so, for the past 20 months RESERVATION REWARDS (notice how I keep saying their name to remind you who you should be wary of? Clever, huh?) has been charging us $10.00 a month for nothing, nada, zilch.
You may now be thinking, " Mrs. Crackers, are you guys completely idiots or what? why didn't you or your husband catch the $10.00 monthly charge?" Well my friends friend we actually did, but due to a slight misunderstanding and a small communication error we thought (I guess I should say, I thought) that the charges were a recurring business expense for a website that my husband hosts for his company. I also assumed (again in error) that we were getting reimbursed for this monthly expense. So, I diligently (& later found out stupidly) logged the monthly charges into Microsoft Money as I paid all of our bills without giving it a second glance.
If not for a problem Mr. Crackers was having with another company we believed may have been scamming us, we would never have discovered what was going on.
Last night, Mr. Crackers asked me to pull up his unbilled activity on his Visa card online. You see, he had ordered my Christmas present from a company neither of us had ever heard of called iKitchen (I'll just point out here that I did give him a link where he could buy the gift from a more reputable place, but he found it cheaper there...) and he had no word on the status of his order. Not only that, when he tried to reach customer service, he discovered that the only way to reach them was via email - they had no phone service. This of course started to make him a little nervous. He had emailed iKitchen to check on the status of his order & (not surprisingly) had never heard back from them. Getting more and more leery of this company, he wanted to check his Visa to see if they had billed him for something that it appeared we may never receive. As I had a vested interest in all of these goings on (it was my gift after all!) I jumped at the chance to help him investigate what was happening.
It was during this search that we found the $10.00 charge from Reservation Rewards.
Mr. Crackers turned to me & asked "Ummm, what's that charge for?"
I politely replied "Oh, you know, that's the monthly charge for your website."
"Uh, no, it's not", Mr. Crackers replied, "that charge is on my American Express Card."
I will now spare you the ten minutes of not so polite back & forth where we eventually learned that perhaps we don't always do such a bang up job of listening to and/or understanding each other as we had previously thought.
After doing a bit of research online, we found countless articles that warned readers about the bad bit of business trickery that RESERVATION REWARDS uses to scam people who think they are getting rebates into paying a small monthly fee on their cards that may go undetected for, let's just say, as many as 20 months!
Mr. Crackers immediately called the customer service number we found & after a few minutes of talking, got someone who agreed to shutdown our "membership" and refund the $200.00 they had stolen charged us within the next 3-5 days. Now, I am not sure yet if this will actually come to pass, but I just wanted to send a warning to all of my readers, to you my friends, to you Mom not to get sucked into this terrible scam. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we can resolve this issue with them as quickly and as smoothly as possible. I have my doubts, but I will keep you updated.
Please learn a lesson from us, the dumbest people in America the Cracker family, and resist the urge to respond to pop-ups promising great rebate deals, even if they just want your email address. Afterall, you may just be one click away from a slow and random draining of your cash reserves.
On Sunday, Mom, Grandma & I spent the day completing our annual Christmas cookie bake-off. It was fun as usual & we had some laughs as we baked our 9 different types of sweet confections.
I can assure you that none of our cookies looked like these! This image is courtesy of Google images.
As Mr. Crackers insists on telling me all the time will tell you, I am a messy cook. So, this year I finally remembered to wear an apron. In addition to the usual wreckage I inflict on myself while I bake, it came in handy when I dumped an entire cup of powdered sugar down the front of me. Of course, my shoes were not as lucky as my clothes. Next year I'll have to buy some of those surgical covers, so my footwear can also escape the mayhem that ensues while I am in the kitchen. Thankfully, the damage wasn't too great & I was able to get most of the sugar off of my suede boots later that evening.
After just a couple burned batches (neither Mom nor I are good at multi-tasking in the kitchen), we finally found our groove and managed to get all of our baking accomplished.
That's C - up in the top row on the far left. You know, the handsome kid with the brown hair!
The program alternated between songs & spoken word. Every kindergartner got a chance to go to the front & have their moment to shine. Even the shy ones got up there, but went with another child for moral support. As C has never had a shy day in his life, he was very comfortable saying his line alone on the mic in front of everyone.
C's turn at the mic:
After the concert we adjourned to the kids classroom where we made the cutest nativity set out of clay pots, wooden beads and small pieces of cloth. I am not crafty at all, but I thought it was really cool.
They just look like trouble don't they?
Then we got to leave early & it was time for a quick hot chocolate run before we picked K up from school.
Courtesy of Google images
Can someone tell me why there are so many nearly naked & wet women when you type in a search for Car wash on google images?
It must be a guy thing!
Egads! My best guess on this picture is somewhere circa 1989 or 1990. I am basing this on hair style, the color of my parent's carpeting (did we really have rust colored carpeting in the living room Mom? Somehow I must've have blocked that out) and the pets we are holding - that's Bandit the cat & Tibbs our beloved basset/beagle mix. Is it me or do those pointsettias need some water? And Linda, there are those pegged pants I was talking about! Nice!
I'm going back to the guessing game here on the year. A little help here please? This was taken at my friend Kelly's wedding sometime in the early-mid nineties (Geez, my memory is getting really bad. Pretty soon I'll be forgetting my children's names!) That's Linda laughing & generally having a great time. I'm the one catching flies, or singing, or asking Linda to check my tonsils? Well, I really have no idea what I could be doing there.
I am one of those people who take horrid candid shots. Seriously, warn me before you take a picture. Give me a chance to compose myself for heaven's sakes. Most of the time I have some totally whacked expression on my face that just does not translate well on film. It's a good thing I have no acting talent, because I'd be all over the tabloids with the most unflattering pictures imaginable if I were famous (or talented).
I'm not trying to trick you, this is not my sister Linda, but I had to include this picture. That is my friend Kelly of the aforementioned wedding. A seriously beautiful bride, is she not?! The only thing that concerns me with this photo are the shoulder pads. Wowee! Those things are huge! The poor photographer could barely fit us & our shoulders in the picture together. But again, a lovely picture of my friend Kelly. What year was this anyway? A little help please!
And now I am off to finish off my cleaning project. Who knows what I will find next?
Be afraid, be very afraid..