Friday, January 30, 2009
Saved by bingo
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I'm sorry, did my screams wake you?
Is this some kind of cosmic test to see just how far my patience can be stretched? I mean, c'mon, what is going on here? I ran a bunch of errands late this afternoon & all of the main roads seemed just fine. Why, oh why, will there be no school again tomorrow? This is Ohio for goodness sakes. It should not take so long for things to get back to normal after nine inches of snow. It's not like I'm still living down in Atlanta or say somewhere even farther south like Florida.
Ah, Florida...
Have I mentioned that my parents have been vacationing in southern Florida this week? Today the temperature there was supposed to hit 82 degrees. Yep, they call everyday to check in (I think they are making sure I haven't gone over the edge) and to give me the weather update. I'm sure they are not trying to rub it in. Right, Mom? I mean you wouldn't do something so mean to a woman trying to keep 2 kids entertained in the house for the past 4 days would you? Ha!
Have I mentioned that Mr. Crackers also has been out of town all week ? Sadly for him he has not been in southern Florida. He is back out in Denver bogged down in a week's worth of business meetings. Honestly, after talking to him I think my week has been a picnic compared to his.
Well, it looks like I'll have to go and dig my tap dancing shoes out of the closet. I'm starting to run out of diversions for my 2 hooligans - perhaps I can put on a short clogging demonstration for them tomorrow. I'm sure they'll love it! I mean, who doesn't love a good clogging show?
Anyone got any other ideas for keeping my 2 kids from killing each other? Anyone?
Oh well, I need to go to bed and get some sleep. I don't want to be cranky for our 4th day of close family bonding time tomorrow. Come morning, it'll be time once again for me to earn my keep. I guess that's why they pay me the medium bucks.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Snow day #3 - please send chocolate!
I love snow just about as much as the kids do, so I was excited that we finally got enough on the ground that we could really play around in. Not to mention I think it can be really beautiful when it blankets everything (Of course if I was writing this post in late March, my opinion of snow would be much different. By that point all I want is a little warm weather) .
Mr. Crackers has been gone again this week, so he missed the big storm. The kids and I though have had a lot of fun playing in the snow.
We've had races.
Here's the thing though, even though it's pretty and we've had fun, it's been a bit of a long week. Did I mention that Mr. Crackers is out of town again all week?
This is not what I call a happy face. He's actually operating his GeoTrax train while reclining. Bored much C?
And when I start making faces with food items, you know I'm probably at the end of my rope.
Seriously, this can't be a good sign. I am not usually this kooky with food presentation. Home economics is not really my strong suit.
25 Random things...
Yes I do & I have been very lazy about it this week. I have some pictures & a post about the "Big Snow Storm" here in Ohio. It's not ready yet, so to tide you over, here is a list of 25 random things about me.
I got tagged on Facebook & had to list the items (OK, so I didn't have to do it, but I did), so I thought I'd share them here too. I was supposed to make my list of 25 things & then send it off to 25 of my closest friends (I honestly have nothing close to 25 friends). I normally don't like these kind of things, but I did have fun trying to pull the list together.
So here they are in no particular order - 25 random things about me:
1. I have gotten blood poisoning twice in my life from spider bites. I now have a healthy fear of spiders.
2. I played basketball in High School my freshman year and my junior year. I did not play sophomore or senior year.
3. I was an R.A. in college my sophomore year.
4. I am addicted to soda. I drink 1 coke and at least 1 diet squirt every day
5. I've always wanted to be able to sing, but I have a terrible singing voice.
6. I don't really like salty snacks - I prefer sweet ones - except for that certain time every month. I don't know why that is...
7. I am part Swedish, Irish, German and English
8. The English part of the family came to America by way of Barbados. It is my understanding that they were brought to the island as indentured servants. They eventually emigrated to New York.
9. I was in New York on a business trip during 9/11. Although I was all the way up in mid-town when the planes struck, it was an experience that forever changed me. My company finally chartered a bus to bring myself and other co-workers who were in New York back to Atlanta where I was living at the time. The bus ride took 18 hours.
10. I was also in New York for the big black out that took down the power grid in the Northeast for several days. I walked down 85 flights of stairs and then walked a very long way to get back to my dark hotel room. I pooled the cash I had with 2 fellow co-workers so we could hire a car to drive us to the Albany airport which was the only airport that had a flight available to get us back home.
11. I like romance novels by Nora Roberts, Suzanne Brockman & Julie Garwood. My favorite author is Janet Evanovich.
12. My goal is to become a web designer within the next 2-3 years.
13. If I only could eat one kind of food it would be Italian. I can't get enough pasta!
14. My favorite vacation was my honeymoon in Italy. I want to go back there for my 25th wedding anniversary.
15. I went to college on a full academic scholarship my sophomore through senior year. It was sponsored by Eastman Kodak. I had an internship with them after my sophomore year, but for some reason I don't think I interviewed with them upon my graduation. I think they just lost contact with me. Weird.
16. I think I am allergic to kiwi fruit. It always makes my tongue go numb when I eat it.
17. My dad grew up as 1 of 12 kids. Despite this, I have few first cousins on that side of the family.
18. When I worked in Atlanta, 2 of my best friends were also named Karen. We got lots of strange looks when we ate lunch together with our name badges still on.
19. I have Renaud's syndrome and lose circulation in my feet and hands very easily once the temp falls below 50 degrees.
20. I really want to go to Ireland some day.
21. I love the neighborhood where we live.
22. My neighborhood used to have a wild peacock, but he was found dead this past fall.
23. I don't think I have 25 friends to send this list.
24. My favorite TV show is Arrested Development. I still miss it even though it was cancelled years ago.
25. I have a crush on Jason Bateman (It all started with Arrested Development, but I keep it alive seeing all his current movies. My gosh he's cute!)
How about sharing a random thing about yourself? C'mon you don't have to list 25. Just give me one random thing about you!
Monday, January 19, 2009
A farewell to (Cincinnati) chili.
You're right...I'm not a kid anymore. OK, I'll give you that point too, adding the hot sauce on top was just asking for trouble. But, I still don't know why you tortured me all evening.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
More kind of famous people I sort of know
Yesterday afternoon I was doing my most hated chore - the ironing. It is the bane of my existence. I refuse to even look at the ever growing pile of wrinkled clothes until it is taller than my youngest child. Once it reaches this height, I start working from the top and iron until the pile shrinks to about 8-12 inches tall and then I stop to take a rest. At this point,
Well honestly, what I really should do is just get my dryer fixed so that the clothes are actually dry when it stops running. About half of the time, my dryer stops working once everything is about 85% dry. It shuts itself down and the clothes sit in this giant, slightly damp pile for 15-20 minutes until I realize that I can no longer hear the dryer running. I hit the start button again, but by this point the damage has already been done. And this, my friends, is why I have such a crazy big pile of ironing to do. My dryer manages to set the deepest wrinkles I have ever seen into clothing that would normally never need to be pressed. But, I digress....
To make the time pass more quickly & help dull the pain of this dreaded task, I was watching a little HGTV. The show Designer's Challenge started up and about 30 seconds into the show, I heard a familiar voice. I looked up & there was my friend Chris -on TV! Holy Flashback! Chris & I worked together ages ago in Atlanta when I was a buyer. I haven't seen her in at least 6 years. She and her husband were on the show to have the great room in their beautiful lake home redecorated by a professional interior designer.
A flood of memories hit me when I saw her. I remembered that she was completely hilarious. She kept us all laughing even during the most stressful times at work (which were plentiful). I also remembered attending her wedding and shortly thereafter getting an invitation to the new home that she and her husband had just bought.
I was excited about the dinner because at the time Mr. Crackers & I didn't have any "couple" friends. We had a group of buddies who we hung out with, but they were mostly my single girl friends (I try not to take it personally that all of Mr. Cracker's male cohorts fled his side like rats on a sinking ship after we started dating seriously. Maybe it was just a coincidence that they all stopped returning his calls once they met me...). Mr. Crackers was a good sport about this, but I knew he needed a friendship that included a little more testosterone.
Anyway, I thought the evening was fraught with possibility. I had met Chris' husband several times & he was both funny and friendly. I thought that he and Mr. Crackers would get along swimmingly.
When we pulled up to their house, we noted right away that it was quite big, at least by the standards you'd expect of a couple in their 20's. It was in the suburbs, about a 35 minute drive north from our little bungalow in the city. We also noticed 2 new cars & a new boat in their driveway. It turns out that Chris' husband had gotten into the real estate market and was apparently doing very well for himself.
We collectively had one of those moments, where you get just a little bit jealous & start thinking "Hey, where's my boat? Where's my new car?" At the time, I was still driving my tampon mobile (see here) & Mr. Crackers was driving a car that had no radio or air conditioner. We loved our little house, but it was in an area euphemistically referred to as "in transition". We didn't necessarily live in the 'hood, but we lived right next door to it and were always expecting to get robbed on our way to the front door.
Still, we managed to rise above our envy and pettiness. I mean, if you can't have a boat yourself, the next best thing is a good friend with a boat. Right? Right?
Anyway, we headed inside for dinner and learned something important that evening. Just because you like two people & think they are funny, it does not guarantee that you will "click" as a couple. Nope, if memory serves it was an awkward dinner that never really got off the ground. It was filled with some lengthy silences and stiff smiles. After the meal, we thanked them for their hospitality and then beat a path back to the 'hood and our small cottage. I think we both knew that we wouldn't be getting another invitation.
Oh well, the years have passed and it looks like Chris and her husband still have a boat & a really, really big house (did I mention this one was on a lake?). The good news is that they were both also as nice and funny as I remember. It's nice that some things don't change.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Nine Jedi + Princess Leia = Lots of Shenanigans
As Sunday drew closer, I had really come to regret that I agreed to host 8 other 6 year old boys in my home for C's birthday party. I had what you might call an overwhelming sense of dread & impending doom. Not only were all of these boys coming to my home, but they would be staying for THREE HOURS! Seriously, what was I thinking?
Once the boys arrived, they were suited up in their Jedi
I am amazed they all stuck with it. I thought for sure there would be some protests. It must be the fact that they all go to school together that worked to my advantage. Doing an art project side by side must have seemed familiar.
After art & a few rounds of Star Wars bingo, it was time to head down to the playroom for what turned out to be the calmest scavenger hunt I have ever witnessed.
I was starting to think all of my fears about the wildness of 6 year old boys had been blown grossly out of proportion.
It is amazing how excited kids can get about jolly ranchers & starburst wrapped up in foil. You've got to love the enthusiasm of youth. Where does that go?
Upstairs for more cheese balls! I think those things must be addictive. I don't like them, but they are like catnip for kids. I've never seen them consumed so quickly.
Then back downstairs for a relay race & some fun with the parachute. Kids love parachutes! We break this out for every party & it's always a hit. It's also a sure way to get kids who had been relatively calm all juiced up & wild. That's just what happened too. Thankfully we still had one more thing to do. It was time for ice cream (I know C is my child because I gave birth to him but I still don't understand his dislike for cake....seriously?! How can you not like cake?)
That smile made it all worth it!
After ice cream & presents we let the boys (now armed with inflatable light sabers) back down to the playroom. We still had an hour left until parents got there, so I figured we'd let them have some fun without anything planned in the playroom. Had I learned nothing from reading Lord of the Flies? Now I got to see the shenanigans I was expecting earlier in the party. I know, I should've seen this coming - arming 6 year olds after filling them with ice cream & cheese balls was probably not my best idea. But, it was fun - for them. Mr. Crackers & I were getting increasingly nervous about the feral children attacking each other in the playroom, so we decided to break for an episode of Star Wars The Clone Wars.
They were still armed, but now I no longer felt like tears or a fight were imminent. After the episode was over, we disarmed our guests & allowed them to have the run of the place until their parents came to pick them up. Playtime always goes smoother when the children aren't armed. Isn't life funny that way?
All in all I think Mr. Crackers & I had as much fun as the kids (I think once it was over we were as tired as they were too). That being said, next year's party will not be at home. Thankfully I have a year to convince C how much fun parties outside the house can be!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Robbery victim in training
Well, honestly it's probably only fun if you are watching your own 6 year old play. I wouldn't skip out on anything you've already got planned to watch a game, but it is an enjoyable way to pass some time.
(As a brief side note here, you may be surprised to know that I actually played basketball -very badly- in high school. Since I really wasn't blessed with any remarkable skills, I relied heavily on my towering height of 5'3" to help me out on the court. OK, so I was both short & lacked talent, but I was a team player. I was never a ball hog. Seriously, I almost panicked every time I found the ball in my hands & did whatever I could to get it out of them as speedily as possible. My Alma Mater actually won the state title in girls' basketball last year - with my cousin leading them as coach! This tells me two things: 1. I clearly did not inherit the basketball skills that both my cousin & sister were blessed with. 2.I would have no hope of making the team if I were in high school today).
Anyway, I have to say that while my basketball skills have only gotten worse with age, I do remember the rules of the game. When watching basketball played by kindergartners, the first thing you need to know is that almost none of the normal rules apply. The ref doesn't make any of the normal calls, there is no such thing as traveling, double dribbling or even a foul. In fact you are not even allowed to take the ball away from another player. This is true even if they stop dribbling and try to hand the ball to you, which actually happened a couple of times. When you are on defense, your only job is told hold your hands in the air & try to block that person (without touching them or the ball) from shooting a basket. I like to call this the "Please don't shoot me, I'm unarmed stance."
C was a natural at this aspect of the game. In fact, he was so good at it, he almost never put his arms down. It didn't matter what end of the court he was on, his arms were in the air.
At least in this shot he's on defense. In the first two pictures his team was actually on offense.
I think he started affecting his team mates with this new method of play. It really started to catch on. Here they are on offense again and he and his new friend are camped in front of the basket with their arms in the air. I'm telling you one thing, if he's ever in the bank during a robbery, he's all set. He's got that motion down!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Who are these children?
So, my hooligans & I spent the first evening without Mr. Crackers eating pizza with my parents. As always, the kids managed to make a simple dinner out seem like a mild form of torture. K was out of her seat every 5 minutes or so asking to go to the bathroom (this is her ploy to get a change of scenery & get away from the table. I still fall for it every time since
Since I was still apathetic about cooking last night, I decided
We got to our neighborhood Chinese restaurant & ordered our standard favorites. For some reason (I think the movie Kung Fu Panda may be the cause) both kids decided that they had to eat their entire meal with chopsticks. This was a first. Now both of my kids have a set of kid-friendly training chopsticks that was given to them by one of my friends last year, but I didn't have those with me.
These cute chopstick holders were in my utensil drawer at home where they did me no good!
So, I had to watch my hooligans try and get the food to their mouths 4 pieces of rice at a time. They would not listen to my helpful hints on how to use chopsticks. Nope, they wanted to figure it all out of their own. It was like watching a train wreck (a really slow train wreck that lasts 30 minutes or more). On the bright side, I didn't have to rush & down my food really quickly like I normally do. The meal lasted
After we finally finished eating and got home, it was getting close to bedtime. We headed upstairs so the kids could put on their PJs before we settled in to watch some TV. I had turned on Andrew Zimmern's show Bizarre Foods while the kids were getting dressed. Have you seen this show yet? I really like it. The man has an iron stomach & will try absolutely any food at least once. Last night's show took place in Morocco & my 2 hooligans were instantly hooked. They sat down next to me & actually shushed me when I asked if they wanted to watch the Backyardigans. "No Mom! Be quiet, we are trying to watch this show!"
And watch it they did. We watched Andrew eat couscous, goat, kidneys, some kind of fetid meat and egg dish and even calf brains. My two kids were mesmerized. I was expecting to hear a lot of "Eewww, that's yucky!" from my youngest, but the only time she said it was when he ate the brains (honestly, I have to say I agreed with her on that one). It was really fun watching the show with them. They seemed to have a really open attitude toward the cuisine of Morocco, which is odd for 2 children who find such limited appeal in the food I make. Hmmm... I'll try not to take it too personally even if I hear "Eeewww" about something I cook at least once a day. Hopefully it's not a commentary on my cooking skills....
I don't know if last night was an aberration or if their minds are actually starting to expand a little bit, but it was fun. Now I just need to remember to put those training chop-sticks in my purse for next time!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Help me Obi-wan Kenobi...
Mr. Crackers & I tried, but we could not entice C to have his birthday at any place other than here at home (C has become quite the homebody lately. With the exception of school, we have to blast him out of the house kicking and screaming most days). So, now I find myself getting ready to host a Star Wars party for 9 six year old boys in my house this weekend (What's with that anyway? I invited 8 boys thinking that I'd probably be lucky to have 5 or 6 come. I even sent the invitations out really late, so people didn't even have a whole week's notice. But, so far everyone is coming. Darn it, I guess I should've sent them out even later).
Without thinking, I said that the party would last from 2-5. Holy Heck, that's 3 hours I now need to fill! I looked online for some help and found some good ideas on I also discovered that some people have way too much time on their hands. One woman went into tremendous detail about how she painted her whole garage & used a black light to make a cool Star Wars set. Seriously, who has that kind of time? And just what do you do with the black light & all the paint once the party's over?
So now, I am hip deep in planning this shindig that is now less than 4 days away. Thankfully, Mr. Crackers is an idea man & he embraced the whole Star Wars theme with gusto. With his help we have some game ideas including, Star Wars bingo, a scavenger hunt, a puzzle relay race and a balloon popping extravaganza. There are also a few arts and crafts projects planned: alien shrinky dinks (remember shrinky dinks? I loved them as a kid), and some coloring pages.
In an attempt to add a little bit of zest to the party, I got some brown felt from the store & have made very simple Jedi ponchos for all the boys (Don't you remember how all the Jedi's wore ponchos? No? Hmmm... maybe that was episode 11 or something. Anyway, I can't sew so I had to make something that didn't require anything more that a few cuts with my trusty scissors. So, Jedi ponchos for everyone! Maybe this will start a new trend .) K will be joining the boys dressed in her very own white Princess Leah poncho. In addition to all the ponchos, I will be giving each of the children their very own inflatable light saber. I mean if you're going to have a bunch of sugared up 6 year old boys at your house, why not just go ahead and arm them to make the party extra fun!
I am thinking that the movie would've had a whole different vibe if everyone was dressed like this.
"We will use the force to defeat Darth Vader and his Imperial Armies so that we can preserve our right to wear ill fitting ponchos! "
Hopefully, we'll be able to get through the whole party relatively unscathed. I'll give you an update next week. We could really use a little bit of the force right now: dark side, light side - at this point I won't quibble! Help us Obi-wan Kenobi, you're our only hope!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Tales from the car pool
We had just made it out of the school parking lot, when my son randomly said, "butt, butt, penis" in a relatively calm and quiet voice. I have no idea where this came from. He pulled it right out of the clear blue sky.
Upon hearing this, C's buddy in the far back seat starts to bust a gut with laughter.
Honestly, it came so completely out of nowhere & C's friend & little sister were laughing so hard, that I found myself giggling a little bit too. I pulled myself together quickly, but not quick enough to stop him from repeating the phrase even louder this time.
"BUTT, BUTT, PENIS!", he began chanting in a very loud voice.
My standard line when these shenanigans start in the car is to say, "Let's leave the bathroom talk in the bathroom where it belongs, boys." But honestly, my son will do anything for a laugh, so I knew that this was going to be a battle that was going to be hard to win while driving. After going about a mile or so, I finally got him to stop the chanting and found myself mollified when the conversation digressed to fart noises. Thankfully shortly thereafter, C's favorite song came on the radio, so I was spared from more 6 year old humor while the kids all sang, "I like to move it, move it!"
This afternoon I got another flash of this special brand of kindergarten humor. C and I were working on his family poster for school. Next week is C's turn to be the class star and the festivities will kick off when he presents a poster board filled with pictures of his friends and family to the class. He had written his name on the poster & we had finished taping all of his photos down when he asked me, "How do you spell bottom?"
"Why do you want to know?" I asked.
"Oh, I want to write in on my poster." he replied calmly
"Ummm, why would you want to do that? This is a poster about you and your family."
"Oh, I know Mom. Everyone just laughs when I say the word bottom at school, so I wanted to make sure to write it on my poster."
Geesh...I can't wait for parent-teacher conferences in the spring.
Thankfully, he accepted my explanation why we wouldn't be writing the word bottom on his family poster. After some negotiation, he seemed happy once I allowed him to write the word R2D2 on his project instead. It was a trade-off I was happy to make.
Friday, January 2, 2009
This is why I don't have any famous friends.....
Before I found Goodreads, I had either gone to the library or book store & stared at the book covers until I found one that looked appealing. This was a fun way to pass the time before I had children. Now, however when I tried to look for new books this way I found that my 2 hooligans would
Once I signed up & joined the site, I spent the first few evenings updating my online reading library & included many books that I had read over the past few years (you knew I was a geek right? The fact that I not only took the time to do this, but also enjoyed doing it shouldn't really surprise you....). After that was accomplished I went ahead and gave them all a ranking from 1 to 5 stars. Because I had read a lot of the books more than once, it was a pretty easy task.
Since the spring, I've used the site a lot and have gotten many really good recommendations on both fiction and non-fiction. I have seen my virtual library of books read and my pile books to read grow pretty steadily. I have even written some of my own reviews on the site.
Now let's flash forward to yesterday. I checked my emails & there was a Goodreads friend request from someone named Charlotte Hughes. "Hmm'" I thought to myself, "that name sounds familiar." Then I realized why: Charlotte Hughes is an author. She has written several books in partnership with Janet Evanovich (one of my all-time favorite authors) and has also written many books on her own.
I had no idea, why she wanted to be my friend, but I approved her online friendship eagerly, especially once I saw that I was only one of 10 other friends she had on the site. I felt special...hand picked by a New York Times best selling author as her friend. OK, I realize she doesn't really know me & yes, I know that this does not mean we are friends in any real sense of the word. But still, it was pretty cool.
Then I went to my on-line library of books & typed in her name. I soon discovered that despite the fact I have read a few of her books, only one is listed on my virtual bookshelf. I clicked to see what book it was & I noticed that I had only given her book 3 out of 5 stars! Yikes - this did not bode well for our virtual friendship. Then I looked closer & saw that I had also reviewed her book.
Here is what I wrote about her novel What Looks Like Crazy:
"I read this book because I did enjoy the books Charlotte Hughes co-wrote with Janet Evanovich. I enjoyed the characters & the story, but I felt like it was a bit too short & left a lot of loose ends dangling. It looks like this is part of a series, but even knowing that, I felt like this book could have been developed more. It was ejoyable, but a little disappointing"
First of all, how many times can I use the words enjoy and book in a 4 sentence paragraph? Secondly, check out the way I misspell the only nice part of my review on this novel: It was ejoyable?!? Aaarrrggh! This woman is an author & I did a terrible job of writing a lukewarm review of one of her books. Seriously, I think my new virtual friendship is off to a bit of a rocky start (I also think I need to stop writing reviews on the site until I can improve my writing skills!).
I now feel compelled to read her entire library of books & give them all 5 stars to redeem myself. Do you think she'll sense my desperation? Would that come off as too needy? I think the pressure of our new friendship may be getting the better of me. I mean, if she truly wants to be my friend, she'll appreciate my honest opinions, no matter how poorly written they are, right?
I'm starting to think she was trying to delete my poorly written review & accidentally hit the wrong button. She probably got my acceptance email of our friendship online & has been trying to figure out how to break off the relationship ever since. Is there even a way to do that in Goodreads? Well, until she figures it out, I get to tell everyone that one of my friends has been on the New York Times best seller list.
Don't worry Kelly, I'm not replacing you as a friend. Clearly relationships with the famous & well written are just too much for me to handle! Charlotte can just go ahead and dump me whenever she wants. I'll stick with you (besides you have too much dirt on me from our days in high school together. You'd be far too dangerous to alienate!).