Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow day #3 - please send chocolate!

We, here at the House of Crackers, are on our third snow day in a row thanks to the winter storm that passed through Ohio over the past two days. Fortunately, we never lost power & I had plenty of food on hand to get us through without a problem.

I love snow just about as much as the kids do, so I was excited that we finally got enough on the ground that we could really play around in. Not to mention I think it can be really beautiful when it blankets everything (Of course if I was writing this post in late March, my opinion of snow would be much different. By that point all I want is a little warm weather) .

Mr. Crackers has been gone again this week, so he missed the big storm. The kids and I though have had a lot of fun playing in the snow.

We've gone exploring.

We've had races.

We've built snow forts & had snowball fights.

We've even gone swinging. It's fun in the snow, you should try it sometime.

Here's the thing though, even though it's pretty and we've had fun, it's been a bit of a long week. Did I mention that Mr. Crackers is out of town again all week?

I think we're all ready to get back to our normal routines. The kids have done as great a job getting along with each other as you can expect two siblings to do. Yes, there have been fights and quibbles, but they have been really good despite the fact we've been together for the past 3 days.

I think even C, my little homebody is ready to get back out into the world again.

This is not what I call a happy face. He's actually operating his GeoTrax train while reclining. Bored much C?

And when I start making faces with food items, you know I'm probably at the end of my rope.

Seriously, this can't be a good sign. I am not usually this kooky with food presentation. Home economics is not really my strong suit.

Tomorrow Mr. Crackers will come back home and things will (hopefully) get back to normal. C will go back to school and we will all get back to life as we know it. It was a fun break for us & we got to slow down a bit (maybe too much), but I don't think any of us want another snow day this week. I think the kids are already scared about what form dinner may take tonight. All I know is we're not having anything with a face.

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