Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring Project 2009

In yesterday's post I wrote about Mr. Crackers' construction projects of Spring Seasons gone by. I had a little teaser at the end of the post that revealed that he has already begun construction on this year's project. In fact, he's already spent the last two weekends working on it.

Lisa, also known as my friend, neighbor and reader of this blog (I used to have 2 readers, but Mom is still traveling in Ireland this week) wanted a hint about what project Mr. Crackers was working on this Spring.

Here are some pictures of the project in process. See if you can figure out what it is...

Week 1

As I alluded to in yesterday's post, almost all of Mr. Crackers' projects involve bags of Quickcrete. This endeavour is no exception. I'm glad that he is using a level...that has sometimes been a problem for us on past projects.

Hmm...what could it be? I'll give you another hint: he decided he would put all of the wood from the old deck to good use by recycling it for this project. The flooring he is standing on used to be part of the support structure for our old deck.

Week 2

That's our neighbor's son helping Mr. Crackers last weekend. He is the same boy who helped Mr. Crackers build the playset in our backyard 4 years ago. It's nice to have an extra set of hands around, especially when they are attached to the strong arms of a 14 year old boy with limitless energy. C is there in the picture too, but at 6 years old he's really more of a spectator than a real help. Someday though, I'm sure he'll get bitten by the same bug that seems to have affected all of the men in the Cracker family. I can only hope that he finds someone to share his life with who will appreciate his need to build large structures in the backyard.

It looks like they are framing in some walls doesn't it? Is that the beginnings of a railing on the front?

Nope, it's not another shed. It's something more fun than that. Something that will (hopefully) get a lot of use by my two hooligans as well as all of the other kids who come over to visit us here at the House of Crackers.
Got a guess yet?


Lisa said...

playhouse...that would be very cool!

Linda said...

You have 4 readers...don't sell yourself short :-)

I'm with Lisa - I'm going with playhouse

Unknown said...

5 readers!!!

Unknown said...

and oh, yes, playhouse for sure.