Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hint: I was not abducted by aliens

So let's see, it's been about 2 months since the last time I posted anything here on the blog.

In honor of my return to (hopefully) semi-regular blogging again, here's a little weekend morning quiz for you.

The reason I've been absent from this blog so long is because:

A. I was abducted by aliens

B. I was falsely accused of killing Mr. Crackers & have been trying to catch the one armed man who actually killed him while trying to evade capture by law enforcement officers

C. I am your new American Idol

D. I got a little bogged down with other stuff

As uninteresting as it may sound, the real answer is D. Life got a little busy around here at the House of Crackers, and I found that I kind of ran out of "blogging" time. Thankfully though, summer has arrived and C is finally out of school and is finished with all of his extracurricular activities for awhile. Wahoo!

Even though we have a summer packed with vacations and lots of fun activities, I will be happy to step away from the daily school grind for awhile and take things at a bit of a slower pace.

We got a little jump start on summer over the Memorial Day weekend. The weather here in southwest Ohio has been really hot for the past few weeks, so we've been getting a lot of mileage out of our various sprinklers and water toys.

My Grandma was kind enough to pick this little number up at Target to replace a water slide that the kids had a couple of years ago that finally got so riddled with holes we had to throw it away.

The slide got a LOT of use last weekend.

By our third day, it also managed to get it's first hole of the summer. Really though, what do you expect for $39.99? I haven't got around to patching the hole yet. But that's OK. As usual, Mr. Crackers had an idea.

And so the water fun continued for another day. Thanks Mr. Crackers!


momevers said...

Welcome back. Missed reading the fun.

Lisa said...

Welcome back...I am about 3 months behind on my blog and really need to get back to it too. You have inspired me to give it a go again. Have a great summer!!!