Monday, December 20, 2010

The Spirit of Christmas

Do you want to see something truly amazing? Something that will touch your heart? I know I sound like I've spent too much time in the greeting card aisle, but trust me on this. Head on over to The Bloggess. She posted a blog a few days ago where she offered $30.00 gift cards to the first 20 people who weren't going to be able to buy their children any gifts this year. Not surprisingly in this economy, those 20 gift cards disappeared quickly.

But since that time something truly incredible has happened. Since that initial post more than 800 gift cards have been given out. Most of those cards have come from individual donors who stepped forward have been matched up (by the Bloggess) with a family in need. Someone they didn't know who wouldn't have been able to celebrate Christmas this year without a little help.

Go look at the blog. It's inspiring and humbling. It's watching the spirit of Christmas at work.

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