Tuesday, April 14, 2009


This week my oldest hooligan is on Spring Break. K's Spring Break is a distant memory, having occurred more than two weeks ago. I spent most of her vacation sick with some kind of virus that left me without a voice (which was an occasion of great joy for my two hooligans) and with a very low energy level. We did absolutely nothing special for her break as I spent much of the time in the house trying to recover. I felt a little bad about that, but since she only attends school 2 days a week anyway, I'm not sure she noticed that she got a little ripped off in the Spring Break department.

I really want to tell you that the picture above was taken at the Honolulu airport as we arrived for a week at the beach for C's Spring Break. But, if I told you that, I'd be lying right through my disproportionately large teeth. Honestly, I took the picture in our kitchen about an hour ago as my two hooligans were messing around.

With the exception of a very fun night spent at our local Great Wolf Lodge this past Friday, C's spring break is proving to be almost as lackluster an event as K's. It seems pretty likely that one of highlights of his Spring Break may just be the purchase of the leis pictured above at the Dollar Tree earlier today.

Yesterday was spent inside due to never ending rain. The only time we made it out of the house was when C accompanied K and I to her weekly Kindermusik class. At 3 1/2, K is the oldest child in her class by about 7 months, so you can only imagine the thrills that awaited my 6 year old as we sang and danced our way through 45 minutes of such toddler favorites as "Little Liza Jane" and "The Donkey Goes Kick". I was a little worried, but he was a trooper & threw himself into the activities with his usual enthusiastic gusto even though I am sure he would have much rather spent the time doing something else.

Today's schedule of events was even more exciting. After dropping K off at school, C went with me to the salon so I could get my haircut. Wahoo! I know, I know. It would appear that I am not so good in the pre-planning department. Clearly C won't have to take up too much time with his recap of "What I did on Spring Break" when he returns to school next week.

He was really good about it, especially once I told him he could spend the 45 minutes I was in the salon playing his new Leapster game. ( I have already told him he can play Leapster again tomorrow when I will be dragging him along to K's morning swim lesson.)

Once my hair was done, we still had an hour to kill before we needed to get K at school. It was still raining, which eliminated going to any of our local parks to play. Since C has had a really great attitude about the lack of anything interesting happening on his Spring Break, I told him that we could go to the Dollar Tree so he could pick out a prize for being such a good kid.

Unexpectedly, he spent most of his time finding just the right present for K . When he saw the multi-color lei set, he knew he had found perfect gift. He then got himself a coordinating orange lei & also talked me into buying him an 8" plastic viking axe (not pictured above). Once I secured his promise that he would not get the axe anywhere near his younger sister, we made our purchases and headed to pick her up from school.

As he predicted, K was thrilled with her gift. Both hooligans have had a blast showing off their mad Hula skills (or doing the hoopda doopda dance as K calls it). While it may be chilly and raining outside, at least we can all dream we are somewhere sunny and warm. Maybe I'll work on my Photoshop skills so I can create some Hawaiian Spring Break beach photos. What are the odds they'll remember that we didn't go to Hawaii in 10 years?

On second thought, it's probably a better idea to keep those Spring Break expectations low.

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