Thursday, May 7, 2009

Catching up

I know I've been really neglecting the blog lately. Between a nice stretch of warm weather and the daily tasks of keeping up with the kids and dog, I've cut way back on my computer time. So for an update (if there is still anyone out there occasionally visiting this blog) here are the last 2 weeks at the House of Crackers in pictures.

Sadie (our 11 year old puppy) started limping one evening. We brought her to the vet and discovered she had a tumor growing on one of her toes. Not knowing what we were dealing with, we talked to our vet & decided to have one of her toes removed (I am a worst scenario kind of gal). Thankfully the tumor ended up being benign, so now we feel more comfortable mocking Sadie and her new headgear. The stitches will finally come out tomorrow & she will be freed from further humiliation by her family.

We've spent a lot of time outside in the backyard. C borrowed my camera & took this shot of his little sister a couple of weeks ago. I love this picture. The paper doll she is carrying around the yard is "Daddy". "Daddy" was a project K brought home from school one day. He went everywhere with her for 2 days until she lost him somewhere in the house. That's probably a good thing as poor Daddy was starting to show serious signs of wear and tear.

Since I allowed C to use the camera, K wanted equal time. She snapped this one of her big brother a few minutes later. I think I need to loosen up a little - I am really liking these off center pictures.

The mystery tree in our backyard bloomed for the first time that I can remember (of course I have a really bad memory, so perhaps it blooms every year and I've just forgotten about it). For some reason I have always assumed it was an apple tree, but Mom (who knows a heck of a lot more about green things that I ever will) told me I was totally wrong in that assumption. I'm not sure what it is, but it does have some pretty white flowers.

We "opened" the sandbox for the season and located our gigantic bag of sand toys. Both kids spend at least a part of every nice day covered completely in sand. I had forgotten how good sand feels against the soles of my feet. I had also forgotten how I can feel that sand underfoot without actually leaving the house - now I remember why we need to refill the sand box every summer. Oh well, at least I got a new vacuum cleaner this winter. I'm armed & ready - bring on what you will my hooligans!

And let me not forget to give you an update on our Spring Project 2009. As I told you in my last post Mr. Crackers' got the roof on and his part of the project is now complete. Now I am up on deck. Since I love to paint (I'm not kidding, I really do) I volunteered to finish the clubhouse by putting on a coat of red paint to protect the wood and make it look a little more appealing to our neighbors.

For those of you who don't know us well, this means that all of the rapid progress on this project has now come to an abrupt end. I tend to move at a more leisurely pace on projects than Mr. Crackers - this is probably the reason that I myself don't tend to bite off really big endeavours. I am not always really good about keeping after a project to ensure it's quick completion. In my defense, I have started painting it. I'm even using a primer to make sure the paint adheres better. It'll just take a few more weeks until I get it completely done. That's OK though, now that the warm weather is here, we've got the time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you have at least 3 readers- though this one goes in spurts.
Had to laugh at the latest Mr Cracker project- always up to something involving a hammer, that one!

Love the pics the kids took- they are budding photographers- YEAH!

Keep writing- it is great