Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Squeezing the last bit of fun out of summer...

As you no doubt have noticed, I took a nice long vacation from blogging. It was due only in part to my efforts at ousting the criminal element from Gotham City. Mostly, I was busy trying to keep the kids entertained in these last weeks of summer now that day camps and vacations have faded into memory.

With school starting in just 2 weeks, we've been busy squeezing the last bit of fun out of summer while trying to get ourselves back onto some kind of schedule. So far the fun still seems to be taking up more of our time than the actual schedule following...

We took our final road trip of the summer last weekend to visit some really good friends of ours who abandoned us, fled 8 hours away to escape the wackiness of our family, moved to Pennsylvania a couple of years ago. It's so hard to find a family with kids that are the same ages as your own & who all get along well together. It's nearly impossible to do that & find a couple who share the same interests you do & whom you like to drink with hang around with. Seriously, it's so hard that even if you move 8 hours away from us, we will find you in your new home & pay you a visit.

It was great to see that the kids still really love to spend time together. We had a great weekend that included a visit to a children's amusement park, bowling, outlet shopping, Amish barbecue (I can't say that can I recommend it), some video gaming and a couple of late night drinking binges Sequence tournaments (I'm proud to say that I think the ladies took the series).

It's good to know that friends are friends no matter how far apart you live. My two hooligans have already starting asking when we will see them again. When I asked them what their favorite part of the weekend was, they both told me "everything!" I agree.

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