Wednesday, January 28, 2009

25 Random things...

As my Mom rightly pointed out earlier, "Don't you have a blog?"

Yes I do & I have been very lazy about it this week. I have some pictures & a post about the "Big Snow Storm" here in Ohio. It's not ready yet, so to tide you over, here is a list of 25 random things about me.

I got tagged on Facebook & had to list the items (OK, so I didn't have to do it, but I did), so I thought I'd share them here too. I was supposed to make my list of 25 things & then send it off to 25 of my closest friends (I honestly have nothing close to 25 friends). I normally don't like these kind of things, but I did have fun trying to pull the list together.

So here they are in no particular order - 25 random things about me:

1. I have gotten blood poisoning twice in my life from spider bites. I now have a healthy fear of spiders.

2. I played basketball in High School my freshman year and my junior year. I did not play sophomore or senior year.

3. I was an R.A. in college my sophomore year.

4. I am addicted to soda. I drink 1 coke and at least 1 diet squirt every day

5. I've always wanted to be able to sing, but I have a terrible singing voice.

6. I don't really like salty snacks - I prefer sweet ones - except for that certain time every month. I don't know why that is...

7. I am part Swedish, Irish, German and English

8. The English part of the family came to America by way of Barbados. It is my understanding that they were brought to the island as indentured servants. They eventually emigrated to New York.

9. I was in New York on a business trip during 9/11. Although I was all the way up in mid-town when the planes struck, it was an experience that forever changed me. My company finally chartered a bus to bring myself and other co-workers who were in New York back to Atlanta where I was living at the time. The bus ride took 18 hours.

10. I was also in New York for the big black out that took down the power grid in the Northeast for several days. I walked down 85 flights of stairs and then walked a very long way to get back to my dark hotel room. I pooled the cash I had with 2 fellow co-workers so we could hire a car to drive us to the Albany airport which was the only airport that had a flight available to get us back home.

11. I like romance novels by Nora Roberts, Suzanne Brockman & Julie Garwood. My favorite author is Janet Evanovich.

12. My goal is to become a web designer within the next 2-3 years.

13. If I only could eat one kind of food it would be Italian. I can't get enough pasta!

14. My favorite vacation was my honeymoon in Italy. I want to go back there for my 25th wedding anniversary.

15. I went to college on a full academic scholarship my sophomore through senior year. It was sponsored by Eastman Kodak. I had an internship with them after my sophomore year, but for some reason I don't think I interviewed with them upon my graduation. I think they just lost contact with me. Weird.

16. I think I am allergic to kiwi fruit. It always makes my tongue go numb when I eat it.

17. My dad grew up as 1 of 12 kids. Despite this, I have few first cousins on that side of the family.

18. When I worked in Atlanta, 2 of my best friends were also named Karen. We got lots of strange looks when we ate lunch together with our name badges still on.

19. I have Renaud's syndrome and lose circulation in my feet and hands very easily once the temp falls below 50 degrees.

20. I really want to go to Ireland some day.

21. I love the neighborhood where we live.

22. My neighborhood used to have a wild peacock, but he was found dead this past fall.

23. I don't think I have 25 friends to send this list.

24. My favorite TV show is Arrested Development. I still miss it even though it was cancelled years ago.

25. I have a crush on Jason Bateman (It all started with Arrested Development, but I keep it alive seeing all his current movies. My gosh he's cute!)

How about sharing a random thing about yourself? C'mon you don't have to list 25. Just give me one random thing about you!


momevers said...

Hey, don't forget about your Norwegian part. Okay randomness--I have a sweet tooth and adore bakery products, but occasionally have a need for something salty. That's when I make a mayonnaise sandwich when no one is looking. I'll never admit it if asked. Deny, deny, deny...

Anonymous said...

Mom - you're fooling no You eat more mayo than anyone I know.

Random fact (and I know my family already knows this): I HATE cotton balls. Something about that very faint sound they make when ANY pressure is placed on them (from say your fingertips picking it up....) and my entire insides contracts and my teeth actually hurt. Cotton swabs falls into this category too - a fact my esteemed sister used to exploit growing up. I think I'm the only person in history chased around their house being threatened with nothing but cotton balls and Q-tips.

Karen said...

Janet is one of my favorite authors too! Are you a Ranger or Morrelli fan?

I just did my 25 list on facebook too. :-)

Karen said...

I think I'm torn between Morelli & Ranger. While Morelli is probably the better choice for her, there's just something about Ranger.