Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I gotta be me

The thing you gotta love about K is that she's her own girl with her own sense of style. Since we do battle over other bigger issues, I let the small stuff like wardrobe decisions slide. You'll usually see her in some kind of dress -she is a girly girl. I know she doesn't get that from me, since I seem to always be wearing my Mommy uniform (a pair of jeans & a hooded sweatshirt, much to my husband's dismay. I think he would die of shock if I actually wore a dress myself someday - but that's a post for another time).

Every once in awhile though, she likes to experiment. We've gone out of the house in all kinds of outfits. She once went to the doctor's office in a bumblebee costume. We got some strange looks, but we were on time & she was happy, ergo I was happy.

Lately, Tuesday has become dress up as Cinderella day. Last week Cinderella's outfit was accessorized with a purple hat & mittens

I think the satin of the gown was a nice contrast to the polar fleece, don't you?

This may be a family trait. Her older brother C used to love a pair green boots that were a hand-me down from our neighbors. He liked to wear the boots most when he was au naturel . I think he felt the lack of pants helped him better show them off.

I think he had a point there. They really do jump out at you more don't they?

His current obsession is his hair. He likes to get it really wet in the morning, so he can get it to stand on end. When he really gets his style on, he resembles someone who stuck a fork in an electrical outlet. He gets very disappointed that it falls as it dries out. We asked him if there was someone else at school with hair that stood up. He said "No, I just like it that way."

I am well aware that by the time adolescence rears it's ugly head around here that they may lose this independent spirit that they exhibit so freely now. I am hoping though that they can tough it out. I have to say, I really enjoy seeing what they will come up with next.

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